Wednesday, 2 June 2010

2nd June Update

Hi everyone.

It has been around a week since my last update and during that week we have done a lot of different things. The door to door evangelism was really good and I have done it a twice since my last update. All of the people we approached were really receptive and wanted to listen. Every leaflet we handed out was taken and no one seemed not to be interested. I have noticed that the people of Brazil are a lot more welcoming and make a lot of effort to listen to and talk to you. We spoke to non Christians about the good news of Christ and we read them the Bible. The second outing we did we sung a few song to older people and also to a large group of children. It was really fun.

On Friday we had our second kids club. This time we based our drama on the Prodical Son. We played lots of games, such as running back and forth to a point and having 3 teams competing. We varied this game by having members of the team standing with there legs wide and kids running underneath them. This became difficult when older kids had to go under our legs. Also, a few of us crouched down on the floor and the kids had to jump over us. We then gave the children a craft activity to do. They coloured in animals and stuck them to pegs, so that they were like badges. After that we performed a drama on the Prodical Son. This was really fun and the children loved it. Soon after that we played a few songs. It was a really good time.

On Friday night we had the outdoor evangelism service at our project Church in Cajepe. This time we set up chairs just outside the front of the church. So many people came to the service that we nearly did not have enough chairs. We played a few songs as a team and also performed a drama. Everytime we have participated in this it has been really fun.

On Monday, James and Andrias started up a football club at a pitch near the project church. It was quite hard to organise because of the large amount of children that arrived but they said it still went well. They are planning to keep this going over the next couple of weeks.

The work we have been doing at the project church has gone really well. We have nearly plastered all of the walls. It is looking a lot better already. We are going to bulid a few sets of stairs, a pulpit and then paint all of the walls. We are on track to finish the work before we leave this project. I am really looking forward to the first service in the finished church building.

We have recently been given a TV by the church that has been really nice. We have been able to relax as a time in the evenings and watch a film together.

Here are some pictures of the church so far and the kids club of last Friday:


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